The Weekend, Part I

Amy was daydreaming yet again at school; her mind had wandered once again into that netherworld of submissive fantasies. She was not aware that the entire class was now staring at her. She was not even aware that the principal's office had paged her in the classroom! Everyone was smiling at her embarrassment as the teacher called her name out for the third time! She was to proceed to the office for an important message.

When she arrived, the secretary handed Amy a sealed envelope which had been delivered via courier to her, the office had also received a telephone message that Amy would have to be excused from the balance of the school was only one o'clock in the afternoon. Amy opened the envelope and read the first part, that she was to leave immediately, she informed the secretary, whom seemed to be aware of the note, strange, Amy thought? She proceeded into the hallway towards her hall locker, as she read on, she had a terrible thought, NO! it was the long holiday weekend, and she was looking forward to having fun with her friends, what could Rubber Mother want with her today? She was instructed to follow the list of destinations, without exception, in the order they appeared......Amy's heart sank, she knew now that any hope of a fun weekend with her friends was completely dashed. She knew that Rubber Mother was not to be reckoned with, whenever she was told to obey instructions.

Sadly she looked again at the list, none of the addresses were familiar? They were all in out of the way places in the very exclusive part of the city. Amy got on the first tram and began her journey......

The first stop was a very ornate polished stainless door, with no clue as to what was inside, she rang the buzzer, as the doors were locked. After a couple of minutes, which seemed an eternity, the door opened, and a stunning young blonde girl ushered her inside. Her instructions from Rubber Mother were to obey at all times whatever was required, at each stop on her journey. Amy was very keyed up, as she had no idea what was to transpire...The entrance way was very dimly lit, with warm deep blue lights, it seemed a bit on the cool side, Amy stepped tentatively into the room. It seemed odd that the beautiful girl had not spoken a word, she only gestured for her to walk into a room to the right. Amy recalling the warning to obey, in Rubber Mother's letter,so she began to move forward.

She was stunned as she brushed against the girl, only to feel not material, but rubber! Her entire outfit which made her look like a nurse,was rubber! She thought the girls face looked shiny too, and Amy was stunned to see that her entire face was carefully made up to conceal the fact her whole head was encased in a very tight hood, the was a slight bulge at her mouth area, and a faint line running to each ear, she was gagged! The nurse began to approach Amy, and she was nervous as the bizarre rubber nurse began removing her clothing, the feel of her rubber gloves seemed thrilling, and she shivered at the first touches.....Amy was now completely nude, the last of her garments took away any confidence she struggled to maintain.

The rubber nurse gestured for her to follow, she was taken through another door, she heard a the sounds of high heels behind her,she turned to see another young girl, dressed in a rubber maids outfit enter and pick all of her clothing up and leave. The rubber maid walked with very short steps, there was a thin manacle around each ankle, with a gleaming thin chain, very short she noticed, between the ankles. Her walk was further exaggerated, from what must have been an incredibly tight laced corset! The poor girl could only swing her hips as she walked, and the chain snubbing short each step! It was then that Amy noticed the manacles at her wrists running through a ring on the front of the outfit, which gave her only a short reach! This was all too strange for her, Amy was so stunned she had stopped to stare..... The rubber nurse shocked her out of her trance, by pulling sharply at her hair, jerking her around,making her gasp, to face the room she was now being pushed into. The strange rubber nurse wagged her finger back and forth, that she had misbehaved, Amy understood she was not to repeat such a performance.

She was pushed into a white tiled room, with bright lighting which seemed everywhere but she could not see the source, it hurt her eyes, and she squinted. The rubber nurse wasted no time, she once again grabbed Amy's hair and pulled her towards a very strange looking device, it was some kind of table, all chrome piping and rubber straps attached everywhere! Amy balked,she was terrified of this evil looking thing, her heart pounded in her breast, what is to become of me! What has Rubber Mother done? A second rubber covered nurse entered the room, her jet black high heeled boots, like gunshots on the tile floor, this woman was huge, she had to be over six feet tall even without the heels! Amy began to shake, she was in awe.....The dominatrix nurse carried an evil looking coiled thin bullwhip, it was almost five feet long! She snapped at Amy's exposed thigh, it stung like a hundred bee stings at once! Amy cried out, SILENCE! she commanded! Amy fell silent, she did not want to incur the wrath of this terrifying specter any more....

The towering rubber nurse ordered Amy to the device, she stepped slowly towards the table, she was sure she was doomed. The whip once more sliced the air and exploded just behind Amy's tender bottom, she squealed and hurried forward. The two rubber nurses then grabbed each of her wrists, and pulled her forward, her hips banging into a cross bar, she was bent at the waist, her arms pulled to two handles, and strapped with rubber several turns around her wrists, and she knew she was lost! Her breathing was laboured from the stress of the whole bizarre events which had transpired so far!

The second nurse comforted her, by stroking her back, and smoothed her cheeks, whispering in her ear that it was all "OK" to just relax......Amy's breath slowed to normal, perhaps she thought it was going to be all right.... The shock of having her legs suddenly pulled apart, without warning, and captured with more rubber straps, once again panicked her, this time she cried out in fear, the two nurses paid her no attention. She had her ankles, just above and below her knees, her upper thighs, strapped to the piping, she was trapped! Amy began struggling as best she could manage, the two rubber nurses just stood and watched as she exhausted herself....then they took even more rubber straps, and pinned her arms above and below her elbows! Her waist was then strapped to the table, she could only move her head! Amy begged to be released, the domina smiled an evil grin, Amy was mortified! There was no mercy in those eyes, peering out from the tight rubber mask! Amy began to sob, she was doomed.....whatever was going to happen to her?

She was again panicked as the two rubber nurses wheeled over a strange apparatus with all chrome fittings, many rubber tubes, strange pumps, she shuddered to her core....Amy wailed in her heart, she could not see what was happening behind her as she could hear all kinds of preparations being made.... the kinder of the two stepped into Amy's limited line of vision, she seemed to smile at her with her eyes, her mouth was still severely gagged. Amy relaxed somewhat, as the nurse once again smoothed her rubber gloves on her cheeks, in a tender gesture... then she lifted a rubber hood with straps all over it, to Amy's face.

She gently pried open her mouth with her rubber gloved fingers, Amy understood she was to keep her mouth open, she knew it was of no use to struggle.. The rubber helmet was pulled over her face, and she felt a small ball inside press into her mouth, she was gagged...The helmet was slowly pulled on completely, two tubes pressed into her nostrils, but they seemed even larger and had to be gently inserted...she could breathe easily, the mouth ball was easy to handle... Amy could not hear anything, she was completely in darkness now, the helmet seemed to grow tight on her head, it was being laced down the back, then straps crushed her mouth closed, onto the ball in her mouth. She had a moments panic as this happened, but soothing strokes of rubber gloved hands smoothed away the panic.

Amy was unable to move any part of her body. She was strapped solid to the chrome piping, she began to float in her severe bondage, cut off from all stimuli......It seemed forever, she was alone......The shock of cold slippery cream invading her behind made her gasp! My GOD what are they doing! A cold probing continued in and out forcing more goo into her...She tried to shake her head, but even that had been strapped off to chrome piping, she tried to scream, and the ball in her mouth began to grow! It stretched and filled her mouth completely, she could not even scream now! Only a muffled mewling escaped.... Amy was terrified in her rubber prison, her whole sex was exposed, and then she felt it....a huge cold metal probe began to force into her sex! It was impossible! It was huge! she tried to close herself, but she couldn't move a muscle! The invader continued until it seated itself, it was surely touching against her womb, it was a monster.....then to her horror, another probe began to invade her tender behind, it too was huge, and spread her cruelly, then when she was sure she was losing her sanity, it seated itself, her muscles contracted around the thin base, she was plugged.......

Amy's breathing was a ragged whistling through the two nose tubes, it took several minutes before she could slow her attempts to breathe to a normal rhythm..... Amy was resigned that nothing could be worse......and then....then gentle rubber fingers began to stroke her exposed nipples, nooooo! She could not cry out,the huge gag stifled all attempts! Her nipples were continually teased to excitement, so that in the cool air of the laboratory, it caused them to stand erect like never before! Amy was ashamed of her reaction, she was beginning to respond! Her moans tried to escape the rubber sealed helmet, and she screamed when the two tormented nipples were seared by two cone clamps, they were on fire, she tried to thrash but it was no use! She screamed and screamed into her rubber gag......

Amy was sure she would go mad, with the tormentors burning her nipples...Then she was stunned when she could feel the pulse of some machine....she began to feel a hot flooding of her invaded bottom, she was being pumped full! Oh God help, she cried into her dark prison. Nooooooo! A huge pressure built up, and just as she was convinced she would stopped. She was in agony, she could feel the liquid had filled her bowels completely, her belly felt heavy and distended, then....within minutes, the first cramps began, she screamed again, the pumps began to empty her rapidly, she collapsed as best she could in her strict bondage. The pumps once again began their tormenting filling of her, the cycles continued over and over, Amy was losing her sanity....her entire body was covered in beads of sweat, she could not endure this....but she did.......

After what seemed an eternity of suffering, the clamps on her nipples were torn off, she screamed again, convinced her nipples had been torn off. The straps were removed, she was pulled erect, strong hands held her, she could not stand... She was still plugged front and rear, and the horrible rubber helmet remained on her head, she felt cold steel cuffs seize her wrists behind her back, she was manacled... Amy was led a few steps, she could not count how many, but it took a while, until her legs would support her. She was led to another room, much warmer to her exposed skin. She was again shocked when her two rubber nurses had her step down into what seemed like warm gel.

They climbed in with her........gently she was washed thoroughly, special attention was given to her still throbbing nipples, a warm rubber-lined mouth descended on them, and began tormenting sweet Amy with pleasures....she squirmed and thrashed in passion under the expert attention of the rubber mouth. Her invading plugs became pleasure demons, when they began to squirm, pulse, and vibrate! She was now being tortured with pleasure! Her orgasms were long, torturous affairs that wouldn't abate, she could hear the two rubber nurse laughing as they slithered over her body still wearing rubber! She finally passed out from the torment...

Amy awoke many hours later, she did not know at this point, but she had slept the entire next day! She was alone in a rubber sheeted bed, she was aware her head was free, and her lower openings were tender, but also free of the plugs. She moved, and discovered manacles on her ankles, with a short chain between them, her hands were also manacled with matching gold, with a slim chain between her wrists.......a chain ran from her wrist chain to her ankle chain, she would only be able to take very short steps indeed. She became aware that her skin felt unusually soft, she was dressed entirely in skin tight see through rubber! It felt very erotic, she began to explore her nipples, but she had to pull her legs up to reach.... she felt so relaxed, and then she looked up above the rubber bed, and was shocked to see in overhead mirrors, that her head was also covered in a rubber helmet of soft see through rubber! A face was painted on the mask it looked so realistic, she could hardly notice it! It felt superb, she and been transformed into a living rubber doll! She was bald! My god they had shaved her head! It felt so smooth but she had to pull her knees to her chin to allow her hands to reach her face and head.

What was happening to her? It all felt so natural...she was swooning with her image dancing above her! She started when a voice at the door spoke..."good evening Amy, I hope you had pleasant dreams?" A vision in white rubber stood before her, the tall woman, her entire head and body encased in gleaming white rubber, she stood with her legs slightly apart, her legs encased in extremely high heeled white patent boots, she towered over the rubber maid at her side. Her voice was soothing, but Amy knew she was to be obeyed, she was Mistress.....

The vision gently commanded Amy to rise out of bed, she did as she was told, the maid rolled in a trolley with a light snacks, she was ravenously hungry when she smelt the food! Mistress advised her to eat sparingly, as she was to be dressed soon for her departure. She was to be allowed to leave! It was somewhat of a disappointment she realized.......she had enjoyed the previous day, despite her torments she had endured, my god she thought.....what am I becoming......... The rubber maid, was wearing a huge rubber ballgag beneath her mask, it was clearly visible, yet she made no attempt to remove it, nor loosen it even? A very strange place thought Amy, but why am I so reluctant to leave......?

The rubber maid motioned for her to follow....she could only take the smallest of steps with her restrictive chains. the adjoining room was warm, a set of drawers covered an entire wall! Another wall was floor to ceiling glass doors, with glass shelves, which held a bewildering array of rubber helmets, gags of all kinds, gold, and silver hardware, some of which Amy recognized as pony tack! My god! She was stunned at the selection displayed in this dressing room! She was led to the center of the room, the rubbermaid, went to a switch on the wall, and a gold bar with rings on each end descended silently from the ceiling. Amy was becoming apprehensive, her wrists were freed, but the ankle chain remained, she couldn't possibly run even if she wished!

The rubbermaid then went to a drawer, and pulled two leather cuffs with a long strap hanging from each one, at the end was a large clip. She came to Amy and put one cuff on each wrist, and clipped her to the bar. The switch again moved, and silently Amy was taken up, she was standing on the tips of her toes, when the motor stopped. Amy wondered what was to happen now, when the rubber Mistress entered the room. She walked over to the helpless girl, and ran her rubber gloved fingers around her nipples,and down to her sex.....Amy gasped, helpless to defend herself, but she started to breathe just a bit quicker, what am I becoming....I am being enslaved by this woman, I want to stay forever.......I want to be her rubber slave!

The Mistress walked to a drawer, and pulled out a long rubber corset, it was fire engine red! It had many straps,buckles, rings and laces, it was beautiful! The rubbermaid began to put it onto Amy, snap went the front busk as each pin was engaged, then the lacing began.....Amy had never worn a corset before, she thought they were something old fashioned from her history books at school. She began to feel the crushing boning, as it trapped her rubber covered flesh in it's grip. Amy thought she would die as the laces continued their torment! She grayed out a few times, she was always awakened with horrible smelling salts! It took an hour but the lacing finally stopped, she could not breathe hardly at all! Amy looked across the room to the wall sized mirror, she was stunned at the vision she presented, she was like an ant!

Amy soon was brought back to reality, when Mistress slashed her bottom with a wicked rubber crop, she cried out but soon bit her tongue....Mistress had commanded her to lift a leg, and she had not heard her, in her gazing at her waist in the mirror! Amy watched as the rubbermaid forced her feet into black patent knee boots with five inch heels! How was she to ever walk in these! The laces crushed the boots onto her rubber encased legs,she was once again a prisoner of her clothing! Amy was stepping in small sideways moves, as much as the lacing bar allowed, it had been lowered a few inches once the corset lacing was completed.....

She was again gasping when a extremely thin strap was pulled from the front of her corset through her sex, and between her cheeks to a buckle at the rear of the corset. Her sex and bottom were in torment again! The merciless strap was to remind her of her visit, Mistress informed her, a girls bottom should always be under strict discipline! Thin strong manacles were put onto her ankles, with a longer chain, perhaps 12 inches thought Amy, small steps were again all that was to be possible! Amy was exploring her new outfit, and she did not see Mistress go once again to the drawers, she cried out when she saw Mistress approach with a medium sized ballgag, she surrendered and opened her mouth for the punishing invader, it was no use, she moaned as the strap cut into her rubber covered face, as the ball drove deep into her mouth, filling it completely.....

The lacing bar, was lowered, and matching manacles were again put onto her wrists, they were clipped off to rings on each side, she was helpless. She was then, covered in a rubber cape which concealed her restraints, to the casual observer, no one could notice anything, especially when expert makeup was applied over a wide rubber strap which was now stretched over the ballgag,she knew she looked most natural.... Amy had forgotten that she was to leave, and the wicked crop then slashed at her as she was forced to the door. What are you doing to me! She tried to communicate with her eyes! Mistress was now in the doorway, she held in her hand, Amy's list from Rubber Mother, she had forgotten! Her weekend was just beginning! This was the first stop on her list! The Mistress read out the address of her next destination and gave her some instructions on the quickest route. My God! Amy realized it was over a mile! It was raining and dark, she would be entirely alone! She was gagged horribly, chained, and the strap between her sex was already a torment, she would never survive in these heels! Mistress held her chin up with the crop, and kissed her fully on her gagged mouth, Amy despite the pain, pushed back into the kiss....She was enslaved by the woman....

The door closed on her, she thought that every person she saw, must know what she is enduring, she started her journey her heels making cracking sounds with each mincing step, she wept in her humility, the strap tormented her, she became excited by the whole bizarre bondage, the corsetry crushing the very breath from her...... she must endure, she had no choice. She knew Rubber Mistress would not open the door if she returned, she shook her chained hands in frustration, as they were clipped to her corset, she could not reach her sex, nor her nipples, it was to be a frustrating grueling long mile.....she could only wish relief was at her destination, she began her torturous journey into the light rain, the blackness would swallow her.

End of part I